/February 20, 2020

American Rheumatology Network and Framework Partner to Develop New Prescription Access Hub, AXCESS1

Charleston, SC, Feb. 18, 2020 – American Rheumatology Network (ARN) announces their partnership with Framework Management Information, Inc. (Framework) to develop AXCESS1, a new prescription access hub. AXCESS1 seamlessly interfaces with healthcare practices, specialty pharmacies, and pharmaceutical manufacturers serving as a “one-stop shop” for information pertaining to prior authorization status, patient assistance programs, and medication dispensing. AXCESS1 solves the problem of fragmentation as it functions with every involved pharmacy, manufacturer, and payer system.

“AXCESS1 will provide progress updates for all parties involved in the prescription process through a dashboard updated in real-time,” explains Danielle Lydon, CEO of Framework.

Positive Impacts

The AXCESS1 is accessible to all physicians, manufacturers, and payers with real-time progress updates displayed on a streamlined dashboard. Presently, the status of a prescription is unknown, and prescriptions can be lost as the request threads through complex prior authorization or patient support programs. Similar to tracking seen with modern package delivery, AXCESS1 revolutionizes this process increasing efficiency for prescribers, manufacturers and payers, while ensuring access for patients.

“This platform not only improves the efficiency of the prescription process,” says Ray Waldrup, CEO of ARN, “it promotes greater access for patients to receive their specialty drug.”

The platform also reduces barriers for patients. Patients receive medications quickly and their healthcare team has the necessary transparency to address any delays. AXCESS1 addresses the critical problem of prescription abandonment by notifying all parties when a prescription is not filled.

“Prescription abandonment is a huge problem across the country. Drug costs and complex prior authorization programs are very difficult to navigate and lead to poor patient outcomes. AXCESS1 is exactly what prescribers and patients need to streamline the process and improve care,” explains Nehad Solomon, MD at Arizona Arthritis and Rheumatology Associates.

AXCESS1 clears the path for patients to receive their necessary medications, shepherding the prescription through prior authorization and payment assistance programs while providing real-time status updates to stakeholders. Prescriber burdens are reduced, and patient outcomes improve.

AXCESS1 Availability

AXCESS1 is expected to launch May 2020. To learn more please contact Caitlyn Bednarek, ARN Communication’s Officer ([email protected]) or Devon Hutchinson, Framework Director ([email protected]).


About Framework Management Information, Inc.

Framework Management Information, Inc. is a high-end healthcare consulting and technology company. Each system that the Framework team implements guarantees all-around consulting, trending resources, seamless file integration, and complete customization to meet our client’s individual needs. Learn more at https://frameworkmi.org.

About American Rheumatology Network

American Rheumatology Network (ARN) is a physician led and owned organization committed to improving healthcare by supporting independent rheumatology practices across the nation and providing innovative technology to lower healthcare costs for providers and patients.


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